Some News for May 2013 (1 comment)

Added by Elena FRISON over 11 years ago

There are things that simply crave for being done. And once they are done, you wonder why on hell you've waited for so long before actually setting them right! This is a life truth, but the rule applies to machinery and OSes as well.


GRUB2 is bootloader by default

Added by Mikhail Hiretsky over 13 years ago

Since the first versions Calculate Linux uses GRUB for the operation system booting. GRUB is the reference implementation of the Multiboot Specification, which provides a user the choice to boot one of multiple operating systems installed on a computer or select a specific kernel configuration available on a particular operating system's partitions. Addition, GRUB can pass control of the chain of another boot loader, which allows it to load Windows (via boot NTLDR).


boot Calculate from USB Disk (1 comment)

Added by jan jacobs over 14 years ago

First time i tried booting Calculate Linux Desktop (KDE) i could not get it to work..
here are the steps i took on my system to get it working.

Commands that you need to enter in a terminal are bold-italic.

First: my desktop uses Ubuntu 10.10
i installed Unetbootin, downloaded the iso from the calculate website.
When i plugged the usbdisk into my netbook, it threw me an error about calcmenu.c32 not beeing a valid file.
So i replaced Calcmenu.c32 with menu.c32 in /syslinux/syslinux.cfg


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