
Calculate Utilities released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 4 years ago

  • The behavior of the --with-bdeps option was replaced by the identical emerge option
  • The --with-bdeps option was added for cl-builder-update
  • No more excessive accuracy for size calculation in auto-partitioning mode
  • The minimum size for the BiosBoot partition was changed
  • Fixed disk partitioning for sizes not multiple of 4MiB
  • Fixed auto-partitioning for disks with logical sectors other than 512
  • Fixed user profile configuration for fastlogin
  • Added creation of the index-user file when creating a container
  • Fixed IP address definition on bridge
  • Added the Norwegian (nb_NO) locale
  • Added diff detection for plymouth themes
  • Enabled to specify 'original' as a resolution for backgrounds
  • Fixed the output of the list of packages to be updated (Bug #1113)

Calculate Utilities 3.5.3 released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 4 years ago

  • Added support for custom files for keywords, use, sets, and mask, to be copied at installation time
  • The packages used only during the build process will not be removed by cl-update
  • Possible to install the system and update it at the first boot
  • A x86_64 system cannot be install on an i686 anymore
  • Added a kernel compatibility check for new installations
  • Better setup of nvidia-drivers at boot time
  • Fixed network configuration for duplicate routes
  • Fixed bootloader update on the current system
  • Added initramfs support for early-microcode
  • Fixed notebook model detection for Calculate Utilities
  • Fixed domain resource detection for smbclient>=4.7.0
  • Fixed support for port indication for the Git repository
  • Fixed running cl-install in chroot
  • Fixed excessive activity of ac_update_sync templates
  • The system does not freeze any longer due to file processing, when running templates from /var/calculate/remote (cifs)
  • Possible to install Calculate Linux on a compressed btrfs partition (btrfs-comp)
  • The system now installs correctly on a xfs partition
  • No more formatter checkup if the system is being installed without formatting
  • Possible to choose a filesystem for root and data partitions in the auto-partitioning mode
  • Fixed timezone adjustment when booting from an ISO
  • Added support for UTC system time on virtualbox
  • Added hardware clock selection (local time or UTC)
  • Possible to remove a package from all world slots
  • Fixed using the world format
  • zstd and lz4 support added for cl-builder-image
  • Sound card configuration by device ID instead of serial number
  • ALSA used by default, instead of PulseAudio
  • Fixed removal of obsolete packages when calling the cl-update and cl-builder-update tools
  • 1024x768 driver created as the fallback one (if you are a nvidia-drivers user, the EFI driver may not work with the 1920x1080 resolution, so that 1024x768 be run instead)
  • Added DPI support for cl-console-gui
  • Fixed display of the progress bar in cl-console-gui
  • Fixed the behavior of cl-console-gui in the KDE system tray
  • Fixed launch of cl-update-checker

Calculate Utilities 3.6.0 released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy almost 6 years ago

  • Aupartitioning detection added in cl-install, depending on the specified command line options
  • The network configuration procedure was modified:
    • Current network configuration can be copied to the new system at installation time, including the bridge settings, the bond settings, etc.
    • Network configuration is only modifed if booting from a LiveCD or running cl-setup-network
  • Network configuration now runs correctly at the first system start (no NetworkManager running instead of OpenRC)
  • Update index problem fixed for build-up time
  • The USE flag for mergepkg functions now handled correctly
  • uvesafb replaced with vesafb and the EFI framebuffer
  • GUI client Qt5-powered now
  • The modified package detection problem at recompilation time was fixed
  • No more error when copying user accounts to the newly installed system
  • Notebook detection fixed
  • Keyboard switch added
  • Videocard configuration at the first start fixed
  • Possibility to allocate whole disk space to the root partition when autopartitioning

Calculate Utilities released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 6 years ago

Calculate Utilities

  • File attributes handled correctly by templates
  • grub.d privileges will not be reset arbitrarily
  • File capabilities for LXC containers can be saved and restored
  • Network interfaces can be again renamed and saved correctly
  • Password configuration fixed for Grub
  • IO Scheduler option removed
  • Network configuration inside containers fixed
  • /var/db/pkg checked for integrity in building distributions
  • USE flag checkup added for the 'merge()' function
  • Updates will stay current for 10 days
  • Cl-core can now start via DBus
  • Access problem fixed, when using third-party repos


  • Kernel start fixed (all warnings and errors are handled OK)
  • Swap mount fixed
  • lxc-desktop and host-desktop support some configuration now

Calculate Utilities 3.5.7 released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 6 years ago

  • SoftRAID volumes can be used for autopartitioning now
  • Encrypted profiles supported (git+ssh://)
  • To allow to build binaries with different USE flags more efficiently and with less time spent on calculation of dependencies, binaries are supported now on build-aimed Calculate flavours
  • Packages with a modified BUILDTIME value can be rebuilt with the new '--rebuilt-binaries' option
  • A new 'world' format, as well as a new 'world()' function were added for generation of the world file, containing the installed packages
  • QEMU volumes detected
  • Updates prompted at shorter intervals to optimize the GUI Calculate Console system load
  • "%" and "@" symbols admitted inside template functions
  • Variable values can be set and reset correctly with Calculate Utilities
  • System installation with no user created fixed
  • Detection of repos with hyphens fixed (to install no-name packages)
  • Emerge launch fixed for Calculate Utilities
  • Domain volumes detection fixed (cifs with vers=1.0)

Calculate Utilities released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy about 7 years ago

  • The Laptop path exception was added for server synchronization.
  • A new variable, cl_sync_moved_set was added for setting off the domain user files transfer into Home/Moved.
  • Remote access to a domain user account is well protected by a password.
  • Domain mounting points restored correctly after leaving system suspend.
  • Network latency increased for adding domain sources.
  • Domain settings applied correctly when adding user paths.
Administration tasks:
  • User setup as run at installation time was fixed.
  • The Grub password can be modified.
  • You can edit local certificates.
  • You must redefine the guest password when installing Calculate.
  • Cl-password can be run without admin privileges.
System login and user profiles:
  • User directories creation fixed for installation time.
  • Xautologin script fixed.
  • Domain user session login fixed.
  • Profile user encryption fixed.
  • User profile configuration fixed for LiveCD sessions.
  • NVMe drives are now detected correctly.
  • You can install Calculate on a Btrfs-formatted DOS partition.
  • The UEFI boot record will not be rewritten if no parameters were changed.
  • User group selection at installation time was fixed.
  • Calculate can be once again installed from a LiveCD on a USB Flash drive volume.
  • When installing Calculate, the ini.env file will be called for correctly from the system profile.
  • Clt templates settings are modified via cl-update without any problem.
  • Conditionals handled as they should be.
  • The wallpaper function now runs correctly when used in chroot environment.
  • The splashutils and grub packages optimized for configuration after theme setup.
Template formats:
  • The ‘backgrounds’ format was fixed and optimized.
  • We also fixed the ‘mirror’ option for format=backgrounds.
  • The ‘bind’ format is handled correctly now as well.
System building:
  • Building LXC containers is supported now.

Calculate Utilities released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 7 years ago

  • PXE installation fixed.
  • Wrong ini.env format fixed.
  • Update checkup fixed.
  • No more loading problems for Packages on source-built systems.
  • System profile switching fixed.
  • Repo synchronization via layman-2.4 fixed.
  • @preserved-rebuild now runs correctly.
  • cl-update --sync-only is called correctly now (after a Perl update).
  • The 'profile' function was added to identify the user profile status.
  • wallpaper() function reworked.
  • The 'backgrounds' format was added for creating wallpaper images.
  • /etc/skel files moved to the user profile during configuration.
  • layman cache now updated at cl-builder-update runtime.
  • Autopartition, the default for LiveCD installations.
  • No bios_boot partition created when autopartitioning with UEFI.
  • System proxy disabled when fetching binhost files.

Calculate Utilities 3.5.1 released (1 comment)

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 7 years ago

  • Cl-builder-update can check for automatic dependencies to be installed; see the new '--check-autodep' option.
  • The binary Packages index will be fetched while synchronizing the repositories.
  • When running cl-update, system settings are only modified if a repo was updated. If you do not like this default option, add '--force-fix' to force the modification.
  • The package manager is called only once by cl-update to calculate dependencies and install packages.
  • Cl-update does not cache calculated dependencies anymore.
  • The '--clean-bdeps' option was enabled for cl-builder-update, so that to remove packages that are only necessary for system building.
  • Emerge --with-bdeps=y disabled for cl-update.
  • Whether you install from an USB Flash drive or a Live DVD, autopartition is now the default option.
  • We restored the cl-passwd tool for user password change in LDAP.

Calculate Utilities 3.5.0 released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 7 years ago


  • Tools were added for configuration of LDAP and Unix accounts to be stored in LDAP
  • cl-backup and cl-backup-restore utilities added
  • Users can access console functions directly, by running cl-console. Note that most Calculate utilities are now stored in /usr/bin instead of /usr/sbin
  • One session for cl-console and cl-console-gui
  • Current configuration files previously stored in /etc/calculate were moved to /var/lib/calculate. /etc/calculate is now used for migration at installation time

Server tools

  • LDAP configuration
    • possibility to change the BaseDN
    • service password regeneration
    • remove a service and reconfigure the system
    • configs integrated with templates 3.5
  • Accounts server configuration
    • current system setup for authentication via LDAP server
    • service password regeneration
    • remove a service and reconfigure the system
    • add or remove a user account
    • add or remove a group
    • reconfigure users and groups
    • multiple group and user modifications available: add, remove, replace the list
    • rename a group
    • user or group info displayed
    • flexible group and user filtration scheme
    • field selection for group and user viewing
    • group and user management fully supported via a GUI interface as well as from the command line
Backup tools
  • cl-backup
    • backup of configuration files created by Calculate templates
    • custom configuration backup
    • LDAP server backup
  • cl-backup-restore
    • restore only files containing differences
    • diffs in comments to restored files headers
    • restore configurations of out-of-box packages
    • restore configuration checksums
    • restore permissions to restored files
    • restore network configuration
    • restore autorun services
    • restore user accounts
    • restart services whenever server parameters have been restored


  • Main changes
    • Multiple ini.env files can be processed
    • Template variables, functions, and conditions were optimized
      • Faster processing due to variable substitution at conditions and values calculation time
      • Variables can be used, that get a space as a template option value (such as in chown=#-ur_login-#:#-ur_group-#)
      • module() added to check for the module (the CU version will be returned if the module is included, or else nothing)
      • Indefinite variables can be used in the non-executable part of a conditional block (problem fixed)
    • "OR" processed in conditional blocks (#!keyword#)
    • Better audio configuration (both your sound card and your hardware can be setup)
    • ldif format supported
  • Functions
    • ls() added to list the files from a directory
    • mergepkg() added, that combines both merge() and pkg() functionality
    • exists() remplaced "1", to return the filetype character code
    • UUID generation with rnd() modified
    • Values returned by wallpaper() were modified
    • cut() added to return a line fragment
    • Localization problem fixed when calling print(), warning() and error() functions
  • Conditions
    • In condition blocks, it is possible to check if the version number belongs to the interval (x<=y,z)
    • Embedded conditions supported
  • Options
    • link=<path> added, to copy directories with templates
    • restart=<service>, start=<service>, stop=<service> added for templates, to start or stop services
    • "protected" works OK with "mirror" now
    • Template processing with "append=after" fixed
  • Miscellaneous
    • ._cfg configuration files now update correctly with the "--force" option
    • More efficient checkup for checksum CONTENTS files
    • Command-line table indentation fixed
    • Short options will be processes differently. "-soff" will not be interpreted sponaneously as "-s -o -f -f"
    • Update availability is provided for by /var/lib/calculate/calculate-update/updates.available
    • The cl_pass_file variable now stores the template name
    • A new variable was added, to store the current kernel version
    • cl-passwd removed


  • Better support of the system color scheme
  • Updated appearances, including new own icons
  • Some modifications for the update icon sitting in system tray

Calculate Utilities 3.4.6 released

Added by Alexander Tratsevskiy over 8 years ago

Main Changes

  • Croatian localization added.
  • Fixed Live USB videocard setup.
  • If applicable, setup problems with the encrypted home directory were solved.


  • Proprietary video driver fixed at bootup time.
  • Fixed user configuration at installation time.
  • First boot setup now runs correctly.
  • AMDGPU support added.


  • Faster access to the overlays.
  • A new algorithm for mirror selection.
  • Optimized mirror selection.
  • The repo history can now be cleared at any time.
  • The testing branch was made available.
  • Search on the update server is now logged.
  • The update server URL is shown.
  • Unpacking and fetching issue solved.
  • The Portage repo was renamed to Gentoo and chosed

Build Features

  • The installation script is prepared correctly for the proprietary drivers
  • DIGESTS files will not be created.

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