Calculate Utilities released
- PXE installation fixed.
- Wrong ini.env format fixed.
- Update checkup fixed.
- No more loading problems for Packages on source-built systems.
- System profile switching fixed.
- Repo synchronization via layman-2.4 fixed.
- @preserved-rebuild now runs correctly.
- cl-update --sync-only is called correctly now (after a Perl update).
- The 'profile' function was added to identify the user profile status.
- wallpaper() function reworked.
- The 'backgrounds' format was added for creating wallpaper images.
- /etc/skel files moved to the user profile during configuration.
- layman cache now updated at cl-builder-update runtime.
- Autopartition, the default for LiveCD installations.
- No bios_boot partition created when autopartitioning with UEFI.
- System proxy disabled when fetching binhost files.