Move socks proxy to http proxy

Added by Hamed Salehi almost 14 years ago

If you using KDE desktop you always have problem with using socks proxy in KDE app for solve this problem you can use polipo to move socks proxy to http proxy and use it in KDE apps . First install polipo with this command :

emerge -av polipo 

After you emerged polipo you must edit your polipo config file by adding this lines to end of config file
socksParentProxy = YourSocksProxyIP:71
socksProxyType = socks5

If you using socks proxy with 1080 port you must add


GPRS internet in calculate linux with bluetooth

Added by Hamed Salehi almost 14 years ago

If you want to use GPRS internet with bluetooth connection in Calculate you must first active your bluetooth in your pc and mobile device and after that do this things :
For found your mobile MAC address and channal use this command :

sdptool search DUN

Your mobile MAC look like this
Your mobile channel is written in this line
Channel: 2
After you found your MAC and channal you must edit rfcomm.conf file (my MAC is 00:23:F1:AC:BF:49 and channal is 2)



Broadcom BCM4312 with broadcom-sta (1 comment)

Added by Hamed Salehi almost 14 years ago

Some times people need to use wl kernel model to access broadcom wireless crads, I used it and it changed my interface name from wlan0 to eth1 but I can't get scan with my card or connect any network in End I found how I can access it to work successfuly, if you need to use broadcom-sta do this things:


Also available in: Atom

Thank you!