Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing), requires >=sys-devel/gcc-4.2 built with USE="openmp"
Name | Category | Description |
opensubdiv | media-libs | An Open-Source subdivision surface library |
p4est | sci-libs | Scalable Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Forests of Octrees |
par2cmdline | app-arch | A PAR-2.0 file verification and repair tool |
par2cmdline-turbo | app-arch | par2cmdline × ParPar: speed focused par2cmdline fork |
paraview | sci-visualization | Powerful scientific data visualization application |
parmetis | sci-libs | Parallel (MPI) unstructured graph partitioning library |
pngquant | media-gfx | Command-line utility and library for lossy compression of PNG images |
portage-utils | app-portage | Small and fast Portage helper tools written in C |
primecount | sci-mathematics | Highly optimized CLI and library to count primes |
R | dev-lang | Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics |
race64 | app-misc | High performance base64 encoder and decoder |
rawtherapee | media-gfx | A powerful cross-platform raw image processing program |
rpm | app-arch | Red Hat Package Management Utils |
simgear | dev-games | Development library for simulation games |
siril | sci-astronomy | A free astronomical image processing software |
solvespace | media-gfx | Parametric 2d/3d CAD |
sox | media-sound | The swiss army knife of sound processing programs |
speech-tools | app-accessibility | Speech tools for Festival Text to Speech engine |
spqr | sci-libs | Multithreaded multifrontal sparse QR factorization library |
starpu | dev-libs | Unified runtime system for heterogeneous multicore architectures |