
Enable support for the cairo graphics library
Name Category Description
barby dev-ruby Ruby barcode generator that doesn't rely on 3rd party libraries
bootchart2 app-benchmarks Performance analysis and visualization of the system boot process
cjs gnome-extra Linux Mint's fork of gjs for Cinnamon
dia app-office Diagram/flowchart creation program
duc sys-apps A library and suite of tools for inspecting disk usage
emacs app-editors The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor
fcitx app-i18n Fcitx (Flexible Context-aware Input Tool with eXtension) input method framework
fltk x11-libs Fast Light GUI Toolkit
gegl media-libs A graph based image processing framework
gjs dev-libs Javascript bindings for GNOME
gnuplot sci-visualization Command-line driven interactive plotting program
gr sci-visualization Universal framework for cross-platform visualization applications
graph-tool dev-python An efficient python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs
graphviz media-gfx Open Source Graph Visualization Software
harfbuzz media-libs An OpenType text shaping engine
hwloc sys-apps Displays the hardware topology in convenient formats
libgdiplus dev-dotnet Library for using System.Drawing with Mono
magic sci-electronics The VLSI design CAD tool
mapserver sci-geosciences Development environment for building spatially enabled webapps
matchbox-keyboard x11-misc Matchbox-keyboard is an on screen 'virtual' or 'software' keyboard

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