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- + - stable
- ~ - unstable
- M - hardmask
USE flags
- apache2_modules_access_compat - Group authorizations based on host (name or IP address). Available as a compatibility module with previous versions
- apache2_modules_actions - Provides for executing CGI scripts based on media type or request method
- apache2_modules_alias - Provides for mapping different parts of the host filesystem in the document tree and for URL redirection
- apache2_modules_allowmethods - This module makes it easy to restrict what HTTP methods can be used on a server
- apache2_modules_asis - Sends files that contain their own HTTP headers
- apache2_modules_auth_basic - Basic authentication
- apache2_modules_auth_digest - User authentication using MD5 Digest Authentication
- apache2_modules_auth_form - Allows the use of an HTML login form to restrict access by looking up users in the given providers
- apache2_modules_authn_anon - Allows "anonymous" user access to authenticated areas
- apache2_modules_authn_core - Provides core authentication capabilities common to all authentication providers (functionality provided by authn_alias in previous versions)
- apache2_modules_authn_dbd - User authentication using an SQL database
- apache2_modules_authn_dbm - User authentication using DBM files
- apache2_modules_authn_file - User authentication using text files
- apache2_modules_authn_socache - Maintains a cache of authentication credentials, so that a new backend lookup is not required for every authenticated request
- apache2_modules_authz_core - Provides core authorization capabilities to various authorization/authorization modules, such as authn_file and authz_user
- apache2_modules_authz_dbd - Provides authorization capabilities via SQL database so that authenticated users can be allowed or denied access to portions of the web site by group membership
- apache2_modules_authz_dbm - Group authorization using DBM files
- apache2_modules_authz_groupfile - Group authorization using plaintext files
- apache2_modules_authz_host - Group authorizations based on host (name or IP address)
- apache2_modules_authz_owner - Authorization based on file ownership
- apache2_modules_authz_user - User Authorization
- apache2_modules_autoindex - Generates directory indexes, automatically, similar to the Unix ls command
- apache2_modules_brotli - Enable brotli compression support
- apache2_modules_cache - Content cache keyed to URIs
- apache2_modules_cache_disk - Disk based storage module for the HTTP caching filter (similar to mem_cache in previous versions)
- apache2_modules_cache_socache - Shared object cache (socache) based storage module for the HTTP caching filter
- apache2_modules_cern_meta - CERN httpd metafile semantics
- apache2_modules_cgi - Enable CGI module (used by non-multithreaded MPMs, for eg. prefork)
- apache2_modules_cgid - Enable CGI module (used by multithreaded MPMs, for eg. worker)
- apache2_modules_charset_lite - Specify character set translation or recoding
- apache2_modules_dav - Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) functionality
- apache2_modules_dav_fs - filesystem provider for mod_dav
- apache2_modules_dav_lock - generic locking module for mod_dav
- apache2_modules_dbd - Manages SQL database connections
- apache2_modules_deflate - Compress content before it is delivered to the client
- apache2_modules_dir - Provides for "trailing slash" redirects and serving directory index files
- apache2_modules_dumpio - Dumps all I/O to error log as desired
- apache2_modules_env - Modifies the environment which is passed to CGI scripts and SSI pages
- apache2_modules_expires - Generation of Expires and Cache-Control HTTP headers according to user-specified criteria
- apache2_modules_ext_filter - Pass the response body through an external program before delivery to the client
- apache2_modules_file_cache - Caches a static list of files in memory
- apache2_modules_filter - Context-sensitive smart filter configuration module
- apache2_modules_headers - Customization of HTTP request and response headers
- apache2_modules_http2 - Enable http2/alpn module
- apache2_modules_ident - RFC 1413 ident lookups
- apache2_modules_imagemap - Server-side imagemap processing
- apache2_modules_include - Server-parsed html documents (Server Side Includes)
- apache2_modules_info - Provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration
- apache2_modules_lbmethod_bybusyness - Pending Request Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer
- apache2_modules_lbmethod_byrequests - Request Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer
- apache2_modules_lbmethod_bytraffic - Weighted Traffic Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer
- apache2_modules_lbmethod_heartbeat - Heartbeat Traffic Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer
- apache2_modules_log_config - Logging of the requests made to the server
- apache2_modules_log_forensic - Forensic Logging of the requests made to the server
- apache2_modules_logio - Logging of input and output bytes per request
- apache2_modules_lua - Provides Lua hooks into various portions of the httpd request processing
- apache2_modules_macro - Macros for the Apache config file
- apache2_modules_md - Managing domains across virtual hosts, certificate provisioning via the ACME protocol
- apache2_modules_mime - Associates the requested filename's extensions with the file's behavior (handlers and filters) and content (mime-type, language, character set and encoding)
- apache2_modules_mime_magic - Determines the MIME type of a file by looking at a few bytes of its contents
- apache2_modules_negotiation - Provides for content negotiation
- apache2_modules_proxy - HTTP/1.1 proxy/gateway server
- apache2_modules_proxy_ajp - AJP support module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_balancer - mod_proxy extension for load balancing
- apache2_modules_proxy_connect - mod_proxy extension for CONNECT request handling
- apache2_modules_proxy_fcgi - FastCGI support module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_ftp - FTP support module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_hcheck - Dynamic health check of Balancer members (workers) for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_html - Module to rewrite links in html pages behind a reverse proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_http - HTTP support module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_http2 - HTTP2 support module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_scgi - SCGI gateway module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_uwsgi - UWSGI gateway module for mod_proxy
- apache2_modules_proxy_wstunnel - Provides support for the tunnelling of web socket connections to a backend websockets server
- apache2_modules_ratelimit - Bandwidth Rate Limiting for Clients
- apache2_modules_remoteip - Replaces the original client IP address for the connection with the useragent IP address list presented by a proxies or a load balancer via the request headers
- apache2_modules_reqtimeout - Set timeout and minimum data rate for receiving requests
- apache2_modules_rewrite - Provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested URLs on the fly
- apache2_modules_session - Provides support for a server wide per user session interface
- apache2_modules_session_cookie - Provides support for the storage of user sessions on the remote browser within HTTP cookies
- apache2_modules_session_crypto - Provides support for the encryption of user sessions before being written to a local database, or written to a remote browser via an HTTP cookie
- apache2_modules_session_dbd - Provides support for the storage of user sessions within a SQL database using the mod_dbd module
- apache2_modules_setenvif - Allows the setting of environment variables based on characteristics of the request
- apache2_modules_slotmem_shm - Slot-based shared memory provider
- apache2_modules_socache_memcache - A shared object cache provider using memcached
- apache2_modules_socache_shmcb - A shared object cache provider using a high-performance cyclic buffer inside a shared memory segment
- apache2_modules_speling - Attempts to correct mistaken URLs that users might have entered by ignoring capitalization and by allowing up to one misspelling
- apache2_modules_status - Provides information on server activity and performance
- apache2_modules_substitute - Perform search and replace operations on response bodies
- apache2_modules_tls - mod_tls TLS module for Apache, intended to replace mod_ssl
- apache2_modules_unique_id - Provides an environment variable with a unique identifier for each request
- apache2_modules_unixd - Basic (required) security for Unix-family platforms
- apache2_modules_userdir - User-specific directories
- apache2_modules_usertrack - Clickstream logging of user activity on a site
- apache2_modules_version - Version dependent configuration
- apache2_modules_vhost_alias - Provides for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting
- apache2_modules_watchdog - Provides infrastructure for other modules to periodically run tasks
- apache2_modules_xml2enc - Enable xml2 encoding module
- apache2_mpms_event - An experimental variant of the standard worker MPM
- apache2_mpms_prefork - Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server
- apache2_mpms_worker - Multi-Processing Module implementing a hybrid multi-threaded multi-process web server
- debug - Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
- doc - Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
- gdbm - Add support for sys-libs/gdbm (GNU database libraries)
- ldap - Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- lua_single_target_lua5-1 - Build for Lua 5.1 only
- lua_single_target_lua5-3 - Build for Lua 5.3 only
- lua_single_target_lua5-4 - Build for Lua 5.4 only
- selinux - !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
- split-usr - Enable behavior to support maintaining /bin, /lib*, /sbin and /usr/sbin separately from /usr/bin and /usr/lib*
- ssl - Add support for SSL/TLS connections (Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security)
- static - Link in apache2 modules statically rather then plugins
- suexec - Install suexec with apache
- suexec-caps - Install suexec with capabilities instead of SUID
- suexec-syslog - Log suexec to syslog instead of to a separate file
- systemd - Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
- threads - Add threads support for various packages. Usually pthreads
Security Advisory
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