
Zip the sources and install them
Название Категория Описание
felix-utils dev-java Utility classes for OSGi
findbugs-annotations dev-java Annotation defined by the FindBugs tool
fishbowl dev-java Use the AAA pattern for writing tests for code that throws an exception
fontbox dev-java An open source Java library for parsing font files
fop dev-java XML Graphics Format Object Processor All-In-One
fpc dev-lang Free Pascal Compiler
freecol games-strategy An open source clone of the game Colonization
freenet net-p2p An encrypted network without censorship
freenet-ext dev-java Freenet REference Daemon
freetts app-accessibility A speech synthesis system written entirely in Java
gin dev-java Google Gin (GWT INjection)
gnu-jaf dev-java GNU implementation of the JavaBeans Activation Framework
gnu-regexp dev-java GNU regular expression package for Java
gradle-bin dev-java A project automation and build tool with a Groovy based DSL
greenmail dev-java GreenMail - Email Test Servers
gson dev-java Gson JSON library
guava dev-java A collection of Google's core Java libraries
guava-testlib dev-java A set of java classes to assist the tests for Guava itself
guice dev-java Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above
gwt dev-java Google Web Toolkit library

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