Zip the sources and install them
Name | Category | Description |
hamcrest | dev-java | Core API and libraries of hamcrest matcher framework. |
hamcrest-core | dev-java | Core library of matchers for building test expressions |
hamcrest-generator | dev-java | Code generator for Hamcrest's library of matchers for building test expressions |
hamcrest-library | dev-java | Core library of matchers for building test expressions |
hashcash | dev-java | Generation and parsing of Hashcash |
hawtjni-runtime | dev-java | A JNI code generator based on the generator used by the Eclipse SWT project |
hsqldb | dev-db | The leading SQL relational database engine written in Java |
htmlcleaner | dev-java | HTML parser written in Java that can be used as a tool, library or Ant task |
httpcomponents-client | dev-java | Apache HttpComponents Client |
httpcore | dev-java | Apache HttpComponents Core (blocking I/O) |
icedtea | dev-java | A harness to build OpenJDK using Free Software build tools and dependencies |
icedtea-bin | dev-java | A Gentoo-made binary build of the IcedTea JDK |
icu4j | dev-java | A set of Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization support |
identicon | dev-java | Visual representation of a hash value |
injection-api | dev-java | Jakarta Dependency Injection |
iso-relax | dev-java | Interfaces useful for applications which support RELAX Core |
istack-commons-runtime | dev-java | istack common utility code |
j2objc-annotations | dev-java | Annotations for the J2ObjC Java to Objective-C translator |
jackcess | dev-java | A pure Java library for reading from and writing to MS Access databases |
jackrabbit-webdav | dev-java | Fully conforming implementation of the JRC API (specified in JSR 170 and 283) |