
Zip the sources and install them
Name Category Description
commons-math dev-java Lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components
commons-net dev-java Client-oriented Java library to implement many Internet protocols
commons-nullanalysis dev-java Annotations and utility classes for ECLIPSE annotation-base null analysis
commons-validator dev-java Commons component to validate user input, or data input
commons-vfs dev-java A single API for accessing various different file systems
conversant-disruptor dev-java Conversant Disruptor - very high throughput Java BlockingQueue
cpptasks dev-java Ant-tasks to compile various source languages and produce executables
dom4j dev-java flexible XML framework for Java
dvipsk app-text DVI-to-PostScript translator
easymock dev-java Mock Objects for interfaces in JUnit tests by generating them on the fly
eclipse-ecj dev-java Eclipse Compiler for Java
emacs app-editors The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor
emma dev-java Free Java code coverage tool
error-prone-annotations dev-java Java annotations for the Error Prone static analysis tool
failureaccess dev-java Guava's InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures classes.
fastinfoset dev-java Open Source implementation of the Fast Infoset Standard for Binary XML
fec dev-java Forward Error Correction library in Java
felix-framework dev-java Implementation of the OSGi R8 core framework specification
felix-main dev-java Open source OSGi framework by Apache Software Foundation
felix-resolver dev-java Provide OSGi resolver service.

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