
Enable ICU (Internationalization Components for Unicode) support, using dev-libs/icu
Название Категория Описание
boost dev-libs Boost Libraries for C++
brltty app-accessibility Daemon that provides access to the Linux/Unix console for a blind person
citeproc dev-haskell Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles
cxxopts dev-libs Lightweight C++ command line option parser
freerdp net-misc Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol
gnustep-base gnustep-base A library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C objects
gnustep-gui gnustep-base Library of GUI classes written in Obj-C
harfbuzz media-libs An OpenType text shaping engine
imv media-gfx Minimal image viewer designed for tiling window manager users
libpsl net-libs C library for the Public Suffix List
libqalculate sci-libs A modern multi-purpose calculator library
libxml2 dev-libs XML C parser and toolkit
maim media-gfx Commandline tool to take screenshots of the desktop
mongo-c-driver dev-libs Client library written in C for MongoDB
mpd media-sound The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
msort app-text A program for sorting files in sophisticated ways
nodejs net-libs A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
openttd games-simulation A clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe
open-vm-tools app-emulation Tools for VMware guests
postgresql dev-db PostgreSQL RDBMS

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