Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
gmmlib | media-libs | Intel Graphics Memory Management Library |
gnat-gpl | dev-lang | GNAT Ada Compiler - GPL version |
gnofract4d | media-gfx | A program for drawing beautiful mathematically-based images known as fractals |
gnome-autoar | app-arch | Automatic archives creating and extracting library |
gnome-bluetooth | net-wireless | Bluetooth graphical utilities integrated with GNOME |
gnome-builder | dev-util | An IDE for writing GNOME-based software |
gnome-calculator | gnome-extra | A calculator application for GNOME |
gnome-calendar | gnome-extra | Manage your calendars with simple and modern interface |
gnome-characters | gnome-extra | Unicode character map viewer and library |
gnome-color-manager | gnome-extra | GNOME color profile tools |
gnome-commander | gnome-extra | A graphical, full featured, twin-panel file manager |
gnome-connections | net-misc | A remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environment |
gnome-console | gui-apps | A simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop |
gnome-control-center | gnome-base | GNOME's main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop |
gnome-keyring | gnome-base | Password and keyring managing daemon |
gnome-menus | gnome-base | Library and layout configuration for the Desktop Menu fd.o specification |
gnome-network-displays | gnome-extra | Stream the desktop to Wi-Fi Display capable devices |
gnome-photos | media-gfx | Access, organize and share your photos on GNOME |
gnome-power-manager | gnome-extra | GNOME power statistics |
gnome-settings-daemon | gnome-base | Gnome Settings Daemon |