Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
gemato | app-portage | Stand-alone Manifest generation & verification tool |
gemmlowp | dev-cpp | Low-precision matrix multiplication |
generic-deriving | dev-haskell | Generic programming library for generalised deriving |
generics-sop | dev-haskell | Generic Programming using True Sums of Products |
geneweb | app-misc | Genealogy software program with a Web interface |
genfstab | sys-fs | Genfstab - generate output suitable for addition to an fstab file |
genimage | sys-fs | Tool to generate multiple filesystem and flash images from a tree |
genshi | dev-python | Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web |
genson | dev-python | GenSON is a powerful, user-friendly JSON Schema generator built in Python |
gentle | app-portage | Gentoo Lazy Entry - a metadata.xml generator |
Gentoo-App-Pram | dev-perl | Tool to merge PRs from the Gentoo Github repository |
gentoo-functions | sys-apps | Base functions required by all Gentoo systems |
gentoo-kernel | sys-kernel | Linux kernel built with Gentoo patches |
gentoo-kernel-bin | sys-kernel | Pre-built Linux kernel with Gentoo patches |
gentoolkit | app-portage | Collection of administration scripts for Gentoo |
Gentoo-PerlMod-Version | dev-perl | Convert arbitrary Perl Modules' versions into normalised Gentoo versions |
gentoopm | app-portage | A common interface to Gentoo package managers |
genty | dev-python | Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets |
geocode-glib | sci-geosciences | GLib helper library for geocoding services |
GeographicLib | sci-geosciences | C++ library for converting geographic coordinate systems |