
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
fwbuilder net-firewall A firewall management GUI for iptables, PF, Cisco routers and more
fwupd sys-apps Aims to make updating firmware on Linux automatic, safe and reliable
FXdiv dev-libs Division via fixed-point multiplication by inverse
fzy app-text Fuzzy text selector (interactive grep) for console
g15daemon app-misc Takes control of the G15 keyboard, through the linux kernel uinput device driver
galera sys-cluster Synchronous multi-master replication engine that provides the wsrep API
gallery-dl net-misc Download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites
game-music-emu media-libs Video game music file emulators
gapi-ocaml dev-ml A simple OCaml client for Google Services
gasnet sys-cluster Networking middleware for partitioned global address space (PGAS) language
gast dev-python A generic AST to represent Python2 and Python3's Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
gauche dev-scheme A Unix system friendly Scheme Interpreter
gaupol media-video A subtitle editor for text-based subtitles
gazebo sci-electronics A 3D multiple robot simulator with dynamics
gcab app-arch Library and tool for working with Microsoft Cabinet (CAB) files
gcc sys-devel The GNU Compiler Collection
gcc-apple sys-devel Apple branch of the GNU Compiler Collection, Developer Tools 4.0
gcompris games-kids Full featured educational application for children from 2 to 10
gcovr dev-util A Python script for summarizing gcov data
g-cpan app-portage Autogenerate and install ebuilds for CPAN modules

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