
Name Category Description
texmath dev-haskell Conversion between math formats
tftp-hpa net-ftp Port of the OpenBSD TFTP server
tigervnc net-misc Remote desktop viewer display system
tntnet dev-libs Modular, multithreaded web application server extensible with C++
tomenet games-roguelike A MMORPG based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien
tor net-vpn Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
torque sys-cluster Resource manager and queuing system based on OpenPBS
turbovnc net-misc A fast replacement for TigerVNC
turtlearena games-fps A turtle featuring free and open source third-person action game (ioq3 engine)
ucsc-genome-browser sci-biology The UCSC genome browser suite, also known as Jim Kent's library and GoldenPath
ufoai games-strategy UFO: Alien Invasion - X-COM inspired strategy game
uftp net-misc Encrypted UDP based FTP with multicast
urbanterror games-fps Hollywood tactical shooter based on the ioquake3 engine
vdr-streamdev media-plugins VDR Plugin: Client/Server and http streaming plugin
wesnoth games-strategy Battle for Wesnoth - A fantasy turn-based strategy game
xmms2 media-sound X(cross)platform Music Multiplexing System, next generation of the XMMS player
xpra x11-wm X Persistent Remote Apps (xpra) and Partitioning WM (parti) based on wimpiggy
xrootd net-libs Extended ROOT remote file server
zabbix net-analyzer ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers

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