
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name Category Description
c-client net-libs UW IMAP c-client library
ccollect app-backup Pseudo incremental backup with different exclude lists using hardlinks and rsync
cddlib sci-libs C library implementing the Double Description Method
cdf sci-libs Common Data Format I/O library for multi-dimensional data sets
cdi-api dev-java APIs for CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java)
cdist app-admin A usable configuration management system
cdplayer gnustep-apps Small CD Audio Player for GNUstep
cegui dev-games Crazy Eddie's GUI System
cenon gnustep-apps Cenon is a vector graphics tool for GNUstep, OpenStep and MacOSX
cenonlibrary gnustep-libs Default library required to run Cenon
cereal dev-haskell A binary serialization library
cereal dev-libs Header-only C++11 serialization library
ceres-solver sci-libs Nonlinear least-squares minimizer
certbot app-crypt Let’s Encrypt client to automate deployment of X.509 certificates
certbot-dns-dnsimple app-crypt DNSimple Authenticator plugin for Certbot (Let's Encrypt Client)
certbot-dns-nsone app-crypt NS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot (Let's Encrypt Client)
certificate_authority dev-ruby Managing the core functions outlined in RFC-3280 for PKI
cffi dev-python Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
cffi-python2 dev-python Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
cgal sci-mathematics C++ library for geometric algorithms and data structures

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