
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name Category Description
cgi dev-ruby Support for the Common Gateway Interface protocol
cgit www-apps a fast web-interface for git repositories
cglm dev-libs OpenGL Mathematics (glm) for C
cgminer net-misc Bitcoin CPU/GPU/FPGA/ASIC miner in C
characteristic dev-python Python attributes without the boilerplate
charliecloud sys-cluster Lightweight user-defined software stacks for high-performance computing
charlock_holmes dev-ruby Character encoding detecting library for Ruby using ICU
charset dev-haskell Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries
check dev-libs A unit test framework for C
checker-framework-qual dev-java Annotations for type-checking by the Checker Framework
check-jsonschema app-misc A CLI and set of pre-commit hooks for jsonschema validation
chell dev-haskell A simple and intuitive library for automated testing
chicken dev-scheme Scheme interpreter and native Scheme to C compiler
childprocess dev-ruby Solution for controlling external programs running in the background
chocolate-doom games-fps A Doom source port that is minimalist and historically accurate
cholmod sci-libs Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate library
chordii media-sound Guitar music typesetter
chump dev-python API wrapper for Pushover
cimg media-libs C++ template image processing toolkit
cinit sys-apps a fast, small and simple init with support for profiles

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