
Add support for encryption -- using mcrypt or gpg where applicable
Name Category Description
libxslt dev-libs XSLT libraries and tools
limnoria net-irc Python based extensible IRC infobot and channel bot
musl sys-libs Light, fast and simple C library focused on standards-conformance and safety
netcat net-analyzer The network swiss army knife
note app-misc A note taking perl program
notmuch net-mail Thread-based e-mail indexer, supporting quick search and tagging
nsca net-analyzer Nagios Service Check Acceptor
okteta app-editors Hex editor by KDE
okular kde-apps Universal document viewer based on KDE Frameworks
openipmi sys-libs Library interface to IPMI
openldap net-nds LDAP suite of application and development tools
owntracks-recorder sci-geosciences Stores and accesses location data published by the OwnTracks apps
pam_mount sys-auth A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pdfrw dev-python PDF file reader/writer library
pdsh app-shells A high-performance, parallel remote shell utility
perf dev-util Userland tools for Linux Performance Counters
plasma-meta kde-plasma Merge this to pull in all Plasma 6 packages
pmount sys-apps Policy based mounter that gives the ability to mount removable devices as a user
psi net-im Qt XMPP client
qingy sys-apps A DirectFB getty replacement

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