
Add optional support/bindings for the Python language
Название Категория Описание
gnubg games-board GNU BackGammon
gnucash app-office A personal finance manager
gom dev-libs GObject to SQLite object mapper library
gpgme app-crypt GnuPG Made Easy is a library for making GnuPG easier to use
gpsd sci-geosciences GPS daemon and library for USB/serial GPS devices and GPS/mapping clients
graphviz media-gfx Open Source Graph Visualization Software
gretl sci-mathematics Regression, econometrics and time-series library
gromacs sci-chemistry The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package
gr-osmosdr net-wireless GNU Radio source block for OsmoSDR and rtlsdr and hackrf
gvim app-editors GUI version of the Vim text editor
hamlib media-libs Ham radio backend rig control libraries
hepmc sci-physics Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
herbstluftwm x11-wm A manual tiling window manager for X
hexchat net-irc Graphical IRC client based on XChat
hivex app-misc Library for reading and writing Windows Registry 'hive' binary files
hugin media-gfx GUI for the creation & processing of panoramic images
i2c-tools sys-apps I2C tools for bus probing, chip dumping, EEPROM decoding, and more
ibus app-i18n Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
Ice dev-libs ICE middleware C++ library and generator tools
imath dev-libs Imath basic math package

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