Add optional support/bindings for the Python language
Name | Category | Description |
jpipe | app-misc | Command line interface to JMESPath |
jsonnet | dev-lang | A data templating language for app and tool developers |
json-parser | dev-libs | Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C |
kdegames-meta | kde-apps | kdegames - merge this to pull in all kdegames-derived packages |
kdesdk-meta | kde-apps | KDE SDK - merge this to pull in all kdesdk-derived packages |
keystone | dev-libs | assembly/assembler framework + bindings |
kmod | sys-apps | library and tools for managing linux kernel modules |
kmod | sys-apps | library and tools for managing linux kernel modules |
kopeninghours | dev-libs | Library for parsing and evaluating OSM opening hours expressions |
kvirc | net-irc | Advanced IRC Client |
lammps | sci-physics | Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator |
lash | media-sound | LASH Audio Session Handler |
lcd4linux | app-misc | A small program that grabs information and displays it on an external LCD |
ldb | sys-libs | LDAP-like embedded database |
ldns | net-libs | A library with the aim to simplify DNS programming in C |
ledger | app-office | Double-entry accounting system with a command-line reporting interface |
libapparmor | sys-libs | Library to support AppArmor userspace utilities |
libbytesize | dev-libs | Tiny library providing a C "class" for working with arbitrary big byte sizes |
libcap-ng | sys-libs | POSIX 1003.1e capabilities |
libcec | dev-libs | Library for communicating with the Pulse-Eight USB HDMI-CEC Adaptor |