Add MPI (Message Passing Interface) layer to the apps that support it
Name | Category | Description |
adolc | sci-libs | Automatic differentiation system for C/C++ |
arborx | sci-libs | Library for performance portable algorithms for geometric search |
arpack | sci-libs | Arnoldi package library to solve large scale eigenvalue problems |
boost | dev-libs | Boost Libraries for C++ |
caffe2 | sci-libs | A deep learning framework |
cgnslib | sci-libs | CFD General Notation System standard library |
charm | sys-cluster | Message-passing parallel language and runtime system |
coinor-clp | sci-libs | COIN-OR linear programming solver |
dealii | sci-libs | Solving partial differential equations with the finite element method |
fftw | sci-libs | Fast C library for the Discrete Fourier Transform |
Field3D | media-libs | A library for storing voxel data |
flann | sci-libs | Fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces |
form | sci-mathematics | Symbolic Manipulation System |
gasnet | sys-cluster | Networking middleware for partitioned global address space (PGAS) language |
gerris | sci-libs | Gerris Flow Solver |
gloo | sci-libs | library of floating-point neural network inference operators |
gmsh | sci-libs | Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator |
gretl | sci-mathematics | Regression, econometrics and time-series library |
gromacs | sci-chemistry | The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package |
hdf5 | sci-libs | General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data |