Add support for the virtual/lapack numerical library
Name | Category | Description |
armadillo | sci-libs | Streamlined C++ linear algebra library |
atlas | sci-libs | Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software |
cantera | sci-libs | Object-oriented tool suite for chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport |
ceres-solver | sci-libs | Nonlinear least-squares minimizer |
cholmod | sci-libs | Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate library |
coinor-utils | sci-libs | COIN-OR Matrix, Vector and other utility classes |
dealii | sci-libs | Solving partial differential equations with the finite element method |
dlib | sci-libs | Numerical and networking C++ library |
gmt | sci-geosciences | Powerful map generator |
grass | sci-geosciences | A free GIS with raster and vector functionality, as well as 3D vizualization |
gromacs | sci-chemistry | The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package |
hugin | media-gfx | GUI for the creation & processing of panoramic images |
ipopt | sci-libs | Interior-Point Optimizer for large-scale nonlinear optimization |
numpy | dev-python | Fast array and numerical python library |
opencv | media-libs | A collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems |
R | dev-lang | Language and environment for statistical computing and graphics |
suitesparse | sci-libs | Metapackage for a suite of sparse matrix tools |
sundials | sci-libs | Suite of nonlinear solvers |
vcftools | sci-biology | Tools for working with VCF (Variant Call Format) files |