Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 200903-35 (normal) - Muttprint: Insecure temporary file usage
An insecure temporary file usage in Muttprint allows for symlink attacks.
GLSA 200903-34 (normal) - Amarok: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Multiple vulnerabilities in Amarok might allow for user-assisted execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200903-33 (normal) - FFmpeg: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in FFmpeg may lead to the remote execution of arbitrary code or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200903-32 (normal) - phpMyAdmin: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in phpMyAdmin, the worst of which may allow for remote code execution.
GLSA 200903-31 (normal) - libcdaudio: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A vulnerability in libcdaudio might allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200903-30 (normal) - Opera: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in Opera, the worst of which allow for the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200903-29 (normal) - BlueZ: Arbitrary code execution
Insufficient input validation in BlueZ may lead to arbitrary code execution or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200903-28 (normal) - libpng: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in libpng, which might result in the execution of arbitrary code
GLSA 200903-27 (normal) - ProFTPD: Multiple vulnerabilities
Two vulnerabilities in ProFTPD might allow for SQL injection attacks.
GLSA 200903-26 (normal) - TMSNC: Execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow in TMSNC might lead to the execution of arbitrary code when processing an instant message.
GLSA 200903-25 (normal) - Courier Authentication Library: SQL Injection vulnerability
An SQL injection vulnerability has been discovered in the Courier Authentication Library.
GLSA 200903-24 (high) - Shadow: Privilege escalation
An insecure temporary file usage in Shadow may allow local users to gain root privileges.
GLSA 200903-23 (normal) - Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified, the worst of which allow arbitrary code execution on a user's system via a malicious Flash file.
GLSA 200903-22 (high) - Ganglia: Execution of arbitrary code
A buffer-overflow in Ganglia's gmetad might lead to the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200903-21 (normal) - cURL: Arbitrary file access
A vulnerability in cURL may allow for arbitrary file access.
GLSA 200903-20 (normal) - WebSVN: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in WebSVN allow for file overwrite and information disclosure.
GLSA 200903-19 (normal) - Xerces-C++: Denial of Service
An error in Xerces-C++ allows for a Denial of Service via malicious XML schema files.
GLSA 200903-18 (normal) - Openswan: Insecure temporary file creation
An insecure temporary file usage has been reported in Openswan, allowing for symlink attacks.
GLSA 200903-17 (normal) - Real VNC: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
The Real VNC client is vulnerable to execution of arbitrary code when connecting to a malicious server.
GLSA 200903-16 (normal) - Epiphany: Untrusted search path
An untrusted search path vulnerability in Epiphany might result in the execution of arbitrary code.

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