Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 200906-05 (high) - Wireshark: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Wireshark which allow for Denial of Service or remote code execution.
GLSA 200906-04 (low) - Apache Tomcat JK Connector: Information disclosure
An error in the Apache Tomcat JK Connector might allow for an information disclosure flaw.
GLSA 200906-03 (high) - phpMyAdmin: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple errors in phpMyAdmin might allow the remote execution of arbitrary code or a Cross-Site Scripting attack.
GLSA 200906-02 (normal) - Ruby: Denial of Service
A flaw in the Ruby standard library might allow remote attackers to cause a Denial of Service attack.
GLSA 200906-01 (low) - libpng: Information disclosure
A vulnerability has been discovered in libpng that allows for information disclosure.
GLSA 200905-09 (normal) - libsndfile: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Multiple heap-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities in libsndfile might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 200905-08 (high) - NTP: Remote execution of arbitrary code
Multiple errors in the NTP client and server programs might allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200905-07 (normal) - Pidgin: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in Pidgin might allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200905-06 (normal) - acpid: Denial of Service
An error in acpid might allow remote attackers to cause a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200905-05 (normal) - FreeType: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple integer overflows in FreeType might allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200905-04 (normal) - GnuTLS: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in GnuTLS might result in a Denial of Service, spoofing or the generation of invalid keys.
GLSA 200905-03 (normal) - IPSec Tools: Denial of Service
Multiple errors in the IPSec Tools racoon daemon might allow remote attackers to cause a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200905-02 (normal) - Cscope: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Multiple vulnerabilities in Cscope might allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200905-01 (normal) - Asterisk: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been found in Asterisk allowing for Denial of Service and username disclosure.
GLSA 200904-20 (normal) - CUPS: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple errors in CUPS might allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code or DNS rebinding attacks.
GLSA 200904-19 (normal) - LittleCMS: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple errors in LittleCMS allow for attacks including the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200904-18 (high) - udev: Multiple vulnerabilities
Two errors in udev allow for a local root compromise and a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200904-17 (normal) - Adobe Reader: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Adobe Reader is vulnerable to execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200904-16 (normal) - libsndfile: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow vulnerability in libsndfile might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code.
GLSA 200904-15 (normal) - mpg123: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
An error in mpg123 might allow for the execution of arbitrary code.

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