Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 200902-01 (high) - sudo: Privilege escalation
A vulnerability in sudo may allow for privilege escalation.
GLSA 200901-15 (normal) - Net-SNMP: Denial of Service
A vulnerability in Net-SNMP could lead to a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200901-14 (normal) - Scilab: Insecure temporary file usage
An insecure temporary file usage has been reported in Scilab, allowing for symlink attacks.
GLSA 200901-13 (normal) - Pidgin: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Pidgin, allowing for remote arbitrary code execution, Denial of Service and service spoofing.
GLSA 200901-12 (high) - noip-updater: Execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow in noip-updater can lead to arbitrary code execution.
GLSA 200901-11 (normal) - Avahi: Denial of Service
A Denial of Service vulnerability has been discovered in Avahi.
GLSA 200901-10 (normal) - GnuTLS: Certificate validation error
A certificate validation error in GnuTLS might allow for spoofing attacks.
GLSA 200901-09 (normal) - Adobe Reader: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Adobe Reader is vulnerable to execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200901-08 (normal) - Online-Bookmarks: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Online-Bookmarks.
GLSA 200901-07 (normal) - MPlayer: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in MPlayer may lead to the execution of arbitrary code or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200901-06 (normal) - Tremulous: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow vulnerability has been discovered in Tremulous.
GLSA 200901-05 (normal) - Streamripper: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple buffer overflows have been discovered in Streamripper, allowing for user-assisted execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200901-04 (normal) - D-Bus: Denial of Service
An error condition can cause D-Bus to crash.
GLSA 200901-03 (normal) - pdnsd: Denial of Service and cache poisoning
Two errors in pdnsd allow for Denial of Service and cache poisoning.
GLSA 200901-02 (normal) - JHead: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in JHead might lead to the execution of arbitrary code or data loss.
GLSA 200901-01 (high) - NDISwrapper: Arbitrary remote code execution
Multiple buffer overflows might lead to remote execution of arbitrary code with root privileges.
GLSA 200812-24 (normal) - VLC: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in VLC may lead to the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200812-23 (normal) - Imlib2: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow vulnerability has been discovered in Imlib2.
GLSA 200812-22 (normal) - Ampache: Insecure temporary file usage
An insecure temporary file usage has been reported in Ampache, allowing for symlink attacks.
GLSA 200812-21 (high) - ClamAV: Multiple vulnerabilities
Two vulnerabilities in ClamAV may allow for the remote execution of arbitrary code or a Denial of Service.

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