Gentoo Linux Security Advisories

GLSA 200812-20 (high) - phpCollab: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in phpCollab allowing for remote injection of shell commands, PHP code and SQL statements.
GLSA 200812-19 (normal) - PowerDNS: Multiple vulnerabilities
Two vulnerabilities have been discovered in PowerDNS, possibly leading to a Denial of Service and easing cache poisoning attacks.
GLSA 200812-18 (normal) - JasPer: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Multiple memory management errors in JasPer might lead to execution of arbitrary code via jpeg2k files.
GLSA 200812-17 (normal) - Ruby: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Ruby that allow for attacks including arbitrary code execution and Denial of Service.
GLSA 200812-16 (normal) - Dovecot: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in the Dovecot mailserver.
GLSA 200812-15 (normal) - POV-Ray: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
POV-Ray includes a version of libpng that might allow for the execution of arbitrary code when reading a specially crafted PNG file
GLSA 200812-14 (normal) - aview: Insecure temporary file usage
An insecure temporary file usage has been reported in aview, leading to symlink attacks.
GLSA 200812-13 (normal) - Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in might allow for user-assisted execution of arbitrary code or symlink attacks.
GLSA 200812-12 (normal) - Honeyd: Insecure temporary file creation
An insecure temporary file usage has been reported in Honeyd, possibly leading to symlink attacks.
GLSA 200812-11 (high) - CUPS: Multiple vulnerabilities
Several remotely exploitable bugs have been found in CUPS, which allow remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200812-10 (normal) - Archive::Tar: Directory traversal vulnerability
A directory traversal vulnerability has been discovered in Archive::Tar.
GLSA 200812-09 (normal) - OpenSC: Insufficient protection of smart card PIN
Smart cards formatted using OpenSC do not sufficiently protect the PIN, allowing attackers to reset it.
GLSA 200812-08 (normal) - Mgetty: Insecure temporary file usage
Mgetty uses temporary files in an insecure manner, allowing for symlink attacks.
GLSA 200812-07 (high) - Mantis: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mantis, the most severe of which leading to the remote execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200812-06 (normal) - libxml2: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in libxml2 might lead to execution of arbitrary code or Denial of Service.
GLSA 200812-05 (normal) - libsamplerate: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A buffer overflow vulnerability in libsamplerate might lead to the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200812-04 (normal) - lighttpd: Multiple vulnerabilities
Multiple vulnerabilities in lighttpd may lead to information disclosure or a Denial of Service.
GLSA 200812-03 (normal) - IPsec-Tools: racoon Denial of Service
IPsec-Tools' racoon is affected by a remote Denial of Service vulnerability.
GLSA 200812-02 (normal) - enscript: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
Two buffer overflows in enscript might lead to the execution of arbitrary code.
GLSA 200812-01 (normal) - OptiPNG: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
A vulnerability in OptiPNG might result in user-assisted execution of arbitrary code.

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