
Add support for XML files
Name Category Description
gnucobol dev-lang A free/libre COBOL compiler
gpac media-video Implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard developed from scratch in ANSI C
gwyddion sci-visualization Framework for Scanning Mode Microscopy data analysis
hwloc sys-apps Displays the hardware topology in convenient formats
imagemagick media-gfx A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats
jack-rack media-sound JACK Rack is an effects rack for the JACK low latency audio API
kawa dev-scheme Java-based Scheme system & Language Framework
libbluray media-libs Blu-ray playback libraries
libdom net-libs implementation of the W3C DOM, written in C
libmetalink media-libs Library for handling Metalink files
lldb dev-util The LLVM debugger
lldpd net-misc Implementation of IEEE 802.1ab (LLDP)
llvm sys-devel Low Level Virtual Machine
mariadb dev-db An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL
mercury-extras dev-lang Additional libraries and tools that are not part of the Mercury standard library
mlt media-libs Open source multimedia framework for television broadcasting
mythtv media-tv Open Source DVR and media center hub
netpbm media-libs A set of utilities for converting to/from the netpbm (and related) formats
newick-utils sci-biology Tools for processing phylogenetic trees
nghttp2 net-libs HTTP/2 C Library

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