
Add threads support for various packages. Usually pthreads
Name Category Description
dnssec-validator net-dns Tools to ease the validation of DNSSEC related technologies
e2fsprogs sys-fs Standard EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 filesystem utilities
eb dev-libs EB is a C library and utilities for accessing CD-ROM books
eccodes sci-libs A set of encoding/decoding APIs and tools for WMO GRIB, BUFR, and GTS messages
ecl dev-lisp ECL is an embeddable Common Lisp implementation
emacs app-editors The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor
expect dev-tcltk tool for automating interactive applications
ffmpeg media-video Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec
ffmpeg-chromium media-video FFmpeg built specifically for codec support in Chromium-based browsers
fftw sci-libs Fast C library for the Discrete Fourier Transform
fltk x11-libs Fast Light GUI Toolkit
fluidsynth media-sound Software real-time synthesizer based on the Soundfont 2 specifications
form sci-mathematics Symbolic Manipulation System
freeverb3 media-libs Reverb and Impulse Response Convolution plug-ins (Audacious/JACK)
gasnet sys-cluster Networking middleware for partitioned global address space (PGAS) language
geant sci-physics Toolkit for simulation of passage of particles through matter
geda sci-electronics GPL Electronic Design Automation (gEDA):gaf core package
gkrellmpc media-plugins A gkrellm plugin to control the MPD (Music Player Daemon)
gmt sci-geosciences Powerful map generator
gnuastro sci-astronomy GNU Astronomy Utilities

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