
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
double-conversion dev-libs Binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for IEEE doubles
doublex dev-python Python test doubles
doublex-expects dev-python Expects matchers for Doublex test doubles assertions
doxygen app-doc Documentation system for most programming languages
dpkg app-arch Package maintenance system for Debian
dqlite dev-libs Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine
dracut sys-kernel Generic initramfs generation tool
driftnet net-analyzer Watches network traffic and displays media from TCP streams observed
drkonqi kde-plasma Plasma crash handler, gives the user feedback if a program crashed
dropbear net-misc Small SSH 2 client/server designed for small memory environments
drpm app-arch A library for making, reading and applying deltarpm packages
dtc sys-apps Open Firmware device tree compiler
duktape-rb dev-ruby Ruby bindings to the Duktape JavaScript interpreter
dulwich dev-python Pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
Dumbbench dev-perl More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of thinking
dump app-arch Dump/restore ext2fs backup utilities
dumpet app-cdr A tool to dump and debug bootable CD-like images
dune dev-ml A composable build system for OCaml
dune-configurator dev-ml Helper library for gathering system configuration
dune-private-libs dev-ml Private libraries of Dune

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