
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
URI-redis dev-perl URI for Redis connection info
uritemplate dev-python Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template
uritools dev-python RFC 3986-compliant URI parsing, classification and composition
urllib3 dev-python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more
url-normalize dev-python URL normalization for Python
urlwatch www-misc A tool for monitoring webpages for updates
urwid_readline dev-python Text input widget for urwid that supports readline shortcuts
usbguard sys-apps Daemon protecting your computer against BadUSB
USB-LibUSB dev-perl Perl interface to the libusb-1.0 API
usbredir sys-apps TCP daemon and set of libraries for usbredir protocol (redirecting USB traffic)
USB-TMC dev-perl Perl interface to the USB Test & Measurement (USBTMC) backend
User-Identity dev-perl Maintains info about a physical person
userpath dev-python Cross-platform tool for adding locations to the user PATH
userspace-rcu dev-libs Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library
usolitaire games-misc solitaire in your terminal
utfcpp dev-libs UTF-8 C++ library
uthash dev-libs An easy-to-use hash implementation for C programmers
utidylib dev-python TidyLib Python wrapper
util-linux sys-apps Various useful Linux utilities
UUID dev-perl Perl extension for using UUID interfaces as defined in e2fsprogs

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