
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
vcsi media-video Create thumbnail sheets from video files
vdf dev-python A module for (de)serialization to and from VDF, Valve's key-value text format
vdirsyncer dev-python Synchronize calendars and contacts
vecrec dev-python 2D vector and rectangle classes
vector dev-haskell Efficient Arrays
vector-algorithms dev-haskell Efficient algorithms for vector arrays
vector-binary-instances dev-haskell Instances of Data.Binary and Data.Serialize for vector
vector-th-unbox dev-haskell Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell
velocity dev-java Apache Velocity is a general purpose template engine
verboselogs dev-python Verbose logging for Python's logging module
versioneer dev-python Easy VCS-based management of project version strings
version_gem dev-ruby Enhance that VERSION! Sugar for boring Version modules
versioningit dev-python A setuptools plugin for versioning based on git tags
Version-Next dev-perl Increment module version numbers simply and correctly
veusz sci-visualization Qt scientific plotting package with good Postscript output
vgm sci-physics Virtual Geometry Model for High Energy Physics Experiments
Video-Frequencies dev-perl Video Frequencies perl module, for use with ivtv-ptune
Video-Info dev-perl Perl extension for getting video info
Video-ivtv dev-perl Video::ivtv perl module, for use with ivtv-ptune
vidify media-video Watch music videos in real time for the songs playing on your device

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