Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name | Category | Description |
libvpx | media-libs | WebM VP8 and VP9 Codec SDK |
libwacom | dev-libs | Library for identifying Wacom tablets and their model-specific features |
libwapcaplet | dev-libs | string internment library, written in C |
libwbxml | dev-libs | Library and tools to parse, encode and handle WBXML documents |
libwww-perl | dev-perl | Collection of Perl Modules for the WWW |
libX11 | x11-libs | X.Org X11 library |
libxc | sci-libs | A library of exchange-correlation functionals for use in DFT |
libxcb | x11-libs | X C-language Bindings library |
libxcrypt | sys-libs | Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others |
libxkbcommon | x11-libs | keymap handling library for toolkits and window systems |
libxml2 | dev-libs | XML C parser and toolkit |
libxmlb | dev-libs | Library to help create and query binary XML blobs |
libxmlpatch | app-text | A set of tools to create and apply patch to XML files using XPath |
libxml-perl | dev-perl | Collection of Perl modules for working with XML |
libxmlpp | dev-cpp | C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library |
libXpm | x11-libs | X.Org Xpm library |
libxspf | media-libs | Playlist handling library |
libXt | x11-libs | X.Org X Toolkit Intrinsics library |
libyaml | dev-libs | YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C |
libyang | net-libs | YANG data modeling language library |