
Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
Name Category Description
Lingua-Translit dev-perl Transliterates text between writing systems
linguist dev-qt Graphical tool for translating Qt applications
linguist-tools dev-qt Tools for working with Qt translation data files
linkchecker net-analyzer Check websites for broken links
linkify-it-py dev-python Links recognition library with full unicode support
Linux-DesktopFiles dev-perl Perl module to get and parse the Linux .desktop files
Linux-Distribution dev-perl Perl extension to detect on which Linux distribution we are running
Linux-Inotify2 dev-perl scalable directory/file change notification
Linux-Pid dev-perl Interface to Linux getpp?id functions
Linux-PipeMagic dev-perl Perl extension to use the zero copy IO syscalls
liquid dev-ruby Template engine for Ruby
liquid-c dev-ruby Liquid performance extension in C
liquidctl app-misc Cross-platform tool and drivers for liquid coolers and other devices
liquidprompt app-shells Full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh
Lirc-Client dev-perl Client library for the Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC)
List-AllUtils dev-perl Combines many List::* utility modules in one bite-sized package
listen dev-ruby Listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes
List-MoreUtils dev-perl Provide the missing functionality from List::Util
List-MoreUtils-XS dev-perl Compiled List::MoreUtils functions
list-remote-forwards net-mail List all remote forwards for mail accounts stored in a database

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