
Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
Name Category Description
ntfs3g sys-fs Open source read-write NTFS driver that runs under FUSE
ntl dev-libs High-performance and portable C++ number theory library
numactl sys-process Utilities and libraries for NUMA systems
nvidia-drivers x11-drivers NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver
o2scl sci-libs Object-oriented Scientific Computing Library
oath-toolkit sys-auth Toolkit for using one-time password authentication with HOTP/TOTP algorithms
obstack-standalone sys-libs A standalone library to implement GNU libc's obstack
ode dev-games Open Dynamics Engine SDK
oniguruma dev-libs Regular expression library for different character encodings
opencollada media-libs Stream based read/write library for COLLADA files
opencolorio media-libs A color management framework for visual effects and animation
opendkim mail-filter A milter providing DKIM signing and verification
openglide media-libs Glide to OpenGL wrapper
openipmi sys-libs Library interface to IPMI
openjpeg media-libs Open-source JPEG 2000 library
openldap net-nds LDAP suite of application and development tools
openlibm sci-libs High quality system independent, open source libm
openmesh media-gfx A generic data structure to represent and manipulate polygonal meshes
OpenNI2 dev-libs OpenNI2 SDK
opensp app-text A free, object-oriented toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management

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