
Add support for mad (high-quality mp3 decoder library and cli frontend)
Name Category Description
alsaplayer media-sound A heavily multi-threaded pluggable audio player
audacity media-sound Free crossplatform audio editor
audioread dev-python Wrapper for audio file decoding using FFmpeg or GStreamer
cdrdao app-cdr Burn CDs in disk-at-once mode with a command line interface
cmus media-sound Ncurses based music player with plugin support for many formats
cynthiune gnustep-apps Free software and romantic music player for GNUstep
deadbeef media-sound foobar2k-like music player
gogglesmm media-sound Fast and light music player
gpac media-video Implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard developed from scratch in ANSI C
k3b kde-apps Full-featured burning and ripping application based on KDE Frameworks
moc media-sound Music On Console - ncurses interface for playing audio files
mpd media-sound The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
mpfc media-sound Music Player For Console
mplayer media-video Media Player for Linux
mtpfs sys-fs A FUSE filesystem providing access to MTP devices
normalize media-sound Audio file volume normalizer
prboom-plus games-fps An enhanced clone of the classic first-person shooter Doom
qmmp media-sound Qt-based audio player with winamp/xmms skins support
qtractor media-sound Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer written in C++ with the Qt framework
scummvm-tools games-engines Utilities for the SCUMM game engine

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