Enable Lua scripting support
Name | Category | Description |
osm2pgsql | sci-geosciences | Converts OSM planet.osm data to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database |
owntracks-recorder | sci-geosciences | Stores and accesses location data published by the OwnTracks apps |
plplot | sci-libs | Multi-language scientific plotting library |
redland-bindings | dev-libs | Language bindings for Redland |
rrdtool | net-analyzer | A data logging and graphing system for time series data |
sc-im | app-office | Ncurses based, vim-like spreadsheet calculator |
scite | app-editors | A very powerful, highly configurable, small editor with syntax coloring |
scummvm | games-engines | Reimplementation of the SCUMM game engine used in Lucasarts adventures |
slurm | sys-cluster | A Highly Scalable Resource Manager |
suricata | net-analyzer | High performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine |
swift | net-im | An elegant, secure, adaptable and intuitive XMPP Client |
texworks | app-editors | A simple interface for working with TeX documents |
thrift | dev-libs | C++ bindings for Apache Thrift |
uftrace | dev-util | Function (graph) tracer for user-space |
uwsgi | www-servers | uWSGI server for Python web applications |
vim | app-editors | Vim, an improved vi-style text editor |
vis | app-editors | modern, legacy free, simple yet efficient vim-like editor |
vlc | media-video | Media player and framework with support for most multimedia files and streaming |
weechat | net-irc | Portable and multi-interface IRC client |
wireshark | net-analyzer | Network protocol analyzer (sniffer) |
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