Install examples, usually source code
Name | Category | Description |
xdotool | x11-misc | Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity, move and resize windows |
xerces-c | dev-libs | A validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++ |
xfoil | sci-physics | Design and analysis of subsonic isolated airfoils |
xgraph | sci-visualization | X11 Plotting Utility |
xjobs | sys-process | Reads commands line by line and executes them in parallel |
xlwt | dev-python | Python library to create spreadsheet files compatible with Excel |
XML-Compile-SOAP | dev-perl | Soap 1.1 XML Compiler |
XML-Compile-WSDL11 | dev-perl | WSDL version 1.1 XML Compiler |
XML-Directory | dev-perl | Returns a content of directory as XML |
XML-DT | dev-perl | A perl XML down translate module |
XML-Feed | dev-perl | Syndication feed parser and auto-discovery |
XML-LibXML | dev-perl | Perl binding for libxml2 |
XML-RSS | dev-perl | Basic framework for creating and maintaining RSS files |
XML-XPath | dev-perl | An XPath Perl Module |
xnec2c | sci-electronics | A GTK+ graphical interactive version of nec2c |
xrootd | net-libs | Extended ROOT remote file server |
xvid | media-libs | High performance/quality MPEG-4 video de-/encoding solution |
xz-java | dev-java | Implementation of xz data compression in pure java |
yap | dev-lang | YAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler |
yojson | dev-ml | JSON parsing and pretty-printing library for OCaml |