
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name Category Description
apispec dev-python A pluggable API specification generator
appar dev-haskell A simple applicative parser
apparmor sys-apps Userspace utils and init scripts for the AppArmor application security system
appenh dev-java Cross-platform access of java application properties
appraisal dev-ruby Ruby library for testing your library against different versions of dependencies
appstream dev-libs Cross-distro effort for providing metadata for software in the Linux ecosystem
apr dev-libs Apache Portable Runtime Library
apr-util dev-libs Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library
apsw dev-python APSW - Another Python SQLite Wrapper
apt-cacher-ng net-misc Yet another caching HTTP proxy for Debian/Ubuntu software packages
aqbanking net-libs Generic Online Banking Interface
aqua sci-chemistry Program suite in this distribution calculates restraint violations
aqute-bnd-annotation dev-java bnd Annotations Library
ardour media-sound Digital Audio Workstation
arel-helpers dev-ruby Tools to help construct database queries
argon2-cffi dev-python CFFI bindings to the Argon2 password hashing library
argouml dev-util Modelling tool that helps you do your design using UML
argtable dev-libs An ANSI C library for parsing GNU-style command-line options with minimal fuss
argyllcms media-gfx Open source, ICC compatible color management system
armadillo sci-libs Streamlined C++ linear algebra library

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