
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name Category Description
haskell-src-exts dev-haskell Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer
hawtjni-runtime dev-java A JNI code generator based on the generator used by the Eclipse SWT project
hcloud dev-python Official Hetzner Cloud python library
hdbc dev-haskell Haskell Database Connectivity
hdbc-postgresql dev-haskell PostgreSQL driver for HDBC
hdbc-sqlite3 dev-haskell Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC
hedgehog dev-haskell Release with confidence
helix app-editors A post-modern text editor
helpdev dev-python Helping users and developers to get information about the environment
hepmc sci-physics Event Record for Monte Carlo Generators
heppdt sci-physics Data about each particle from the Review of Particle Properties
herbstluftwm x11-wm A manual tiling window manager for X
heredoc_unindent dev-ruby Removes leading whitespace from Ruby heredocs
herwig sci-physics High Energy Physics Event Generator
hg-evolve dev-vcs enables the changeset evolution feature of Mercurial
hidapi dev-libs A multi-platform library for USB and Bluetooth HID-Class devices
hiera dev-ruby A simple pluggable Hierarchical Database
hiera-eyaml-plaintext dev-ruby A plaintext backend for hiera-eyaml
highlighterkit gnustep-libs Syntax highlighter framework
highline dev-ruby Highline is a high-level command-line IO library for ruby

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