Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name | Category | Description |
pmw | dev-python | Toolkit for building high-level compound Python widgets using the Tkinter module |
pnmixer | media-sound | Volume mixer for the system tray |
pocl | dev-libs | Portable Computing Language (an implementation of OpenCL) |
podcast | dev-ruby | A pure Ruby library for generating podcasts from mp3 files |
poi | dev-java | Maven build of Apache POI for Sonar checks |
polib | dev-python | A library to manipulate gettext files (.po and .mo files) |
polybar | x11-misc | A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars |
polyglot | dev-ruby | Polyglot provides support for fully-custom DSLs |
ponyprog | dev-embedded | EEPROM and microcontroller programmer/flasher |
ponysay | games-misc | cowsay reimplemention for ponies |
poppler | app-text | PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base |
portage | sys-apps | The package management and distribution system for Gentoo |
portaudio | media-libs | A free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library |
portmidi | media-libs | Library for real time MIDI input and output |
postgis | dev-db | Geographic Objects for PostgreSQL |
postgresql | dev-db | PostgreSQL RDBMS |
pothana2k | media-fonts | Pothana 2000 and Vemana fonts for the Telugu script |
power_assert | dev-ruby | Shows each value of variables and method calls in the expression |
ppl | dev-libs | The Parma Polyhedra Library for numerical analysis of complex systems |
prawn | dev-ruby | Fast, Nimble PDF Generation For Ruby |