
Use the SSE2 instruction set
Name Category Description
fraqtive x11-misc Open source, multi-platform generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals
gazebo sci-electronics A 3D multiple robot simulator with dynamics
gdal sci-libs Translator library for raster geospatial data formats (includes OGR support)
gf2x dev-libs C/C++ routines for fast arithmetic in GF(2)[x]
givaro sci-libs C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations
glm media-libs OpenGL Mathematics
gmp-ecm sci-mathematics Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization
gnubg games-board GNU BackGammon
go dev-lang A concurrent garbage collected and typesafe programming language
gpac media-video Implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard developed from scratch in ANSI C
graphene media-libs A thin layer of types for graphic libraries
gretl sci-mathematics Regression, econometrics and time-series library
gromacs sci-chemistry The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package
imlib2 media-libs Version 2 of an advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm
johntheripper app-crypt fast password cracker
kodi media-tv A free and open source media-player and entertainment hub
lensfun media-libs Library for rectifying and simulating photographic lens distortions
libaom media-libs Alliance for Open Media AV1 Codec SDK
libdvbcsa media-libs Free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm - DVB/CSA
libimagequant media-gfx Palette quantization library that powers pngquant and other PNG optimizers

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