x32 ABI libraries
Name | Category | Description |
mesa-progs | x11-apps | Mesa's OpenGL utility and demo programs (glxgears and glxinfo) |
mimalloc | dev-libs | A compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance |
minizip-ng | sys-libs | Fork of the popular zip manipulation library found in the zlib distribution |
mit-krb5 | app-crypt | MIT Kerberos V |
mjpegtools | media-video | Tools for MJPEG video |
mono | dev-lang | Mono runtime and class libraries, a C# compiler/interpreter |
motif | x11-libs | The Motif user interface component toolkit |
mpc | dev-libs | A library for multiprecision complex arithmetic with exact rounding |
mpfr | dev-libs | Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding |
mpg123 | media-sound | a realtime MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 audio player for layers 1, 2 and 3 |
mpi | virtual | Virtual for Message Passing Interface (MPI) v2.0 implementation |
mpich | sys-cluster | A high performance and portable MPI implementation |
msgpack | dev-libs | MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format |
mumble | net-voip | Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software |
myodbc | dev-db | ODBC driver for MySQL |
mysql | dev-db | A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server |
mysql-connector-c | dev-db | C client library for MariaDB/MySQL |
nas | media-libs | Network Audio System |
ncurses | sys-libs | Console display library |
ncurses-compat | sys-libs | Console display library (ABI version 5) |