
Add support for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
Название Категория Описание
PyQt5 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
PyQt5-python2 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
PyQt6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
pyqtgraph dev-python A pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt and numpy
pyside2 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
pyside6 dev-python Python bindings for the Qt framework
qpdfview app-text A tabbed document viewer
qt-creator dev-qt Lightweight IDE for C++/QML development centering around Qt
qt-docs dev-qt Qt6 documentation and examples for Qt Creator and other tools
QtPy dev-python Abstraction layer on top of PyQt and PySide with additional custom QWidgets
qwt x11-libs 2D plotting library for Qt
t4k-common dev-games Library of code shared between tuxmath and tuxtype
texmacs app-office Wysiwyg text processor with high-quality maths
tint2 x11-misc Lightweight panel/taskbar for Linux
tuxmath games-kids Educational arcade game where you have to solve maths problems
vips media-libs VIPS Image Processing Library
vlc media-video Media player and framework with support for most multimedia files and streaming
xfce4-meta xfce-base The Xfce Desktop Environment (meta package)
xxkb x11-misc eXtended XKB - assign different keymaps to different windows

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