Enable seccomp (secure computing mode) to perform system call filtering at runtime to increase security of programs
Name | Category | Description |
minijail | sys-apps | helper binary and library for sandboxing & restricting privs of service |
ntpsec | net-misc | The NTP reference implementation, refactored |
ocserv | net-vpn | Openconnect SSL VPN server |
pax-utils | app-misc | ELF utils that can check files for security relevant properties |
podman | app-containers | A tool for managing OCI containers and pods with Docker-compatible CLI |
qemu | app-emulation | QEMU + Kernel-based Virtual Machine userland tools |
runc | app-containers | runc container cli tools |
slack | net-im | Team collaboration tool |
swtpm | app-crypt | Libtpms-based TPM emulator |
systemd | sys-apps | System and service manager for Linux |
tor | net-vpn | Anonymizing overlay network for TCP |
tracker-miners | app-misc | Collection of data extractors for Tracker/Nepomuk |
webkit-gtk | net-libs | Open source web browser engine |
xdg-desktop-portal | sys-apps | Desktop integration portal |
xwallpaper | x11-misc | Wallpaper setting utility for X |
zathura | app-text | A highly customizable and functional document viewer |
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