
Install examples, usually source code
Name Category Description
Net-LDAP-Server dev-perl LDAP server side protocol handling
Net-OpenSSH dev-perl Net::OpenSSH, Perl wrapper for OpenSSH secure shell client
Net-Pcap dev-perl Interface to the pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
Net-RawIP dev-perl Raw IP packets manipulation Module
Net-Server-Mail dev-perl Class to easily create a mail server
Net-SFTP dev-perl Secure File Transfer Protocol client
Net-SFTP-Foreign dev-perl SSH File Transfer Protocol client
Net-SNMP dev-perl A SNMP Perl Module
Net-SNPP dev-perl libnet SNPP component
Net-SSH2 dev-perl Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2
Net-SSH-Any dev-perl Use any SSH module
Net-SSH-Perl dev-perl Perl client Interface to SSH
Net-SSLeay dev-perl Perl extension for using OpenSSL
Net-Twitter dev-perl A perl interface to the Twitter API (DEPRECATED)
Net-UPnP dev-perl Perl extension for UPnP
Net-XMPP dev-perl XMPP Perl Library
ngspice sci-electronics The Next Generation Spice (Electronic Circuit Simulator)
Nmap-Parser dev-perl Parse nmap scan data with perl
nose dev-python Unittest extension with automatic test suite discovery and easy test authoring
notify2 dev-python Python interface to DBus notifications

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