
Install examples, usually source code
Name Category Description
msgpack dev-libs MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format
msgpack-cxx dev-cpp MessagePack for C++
mtail app-admin A tool for extracting metrics from application logs
multitail app-text Tail with multiple windows
multitalk app-office New type of presentation program
mumps sci-libs MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct matrix Solver
musicbrainz media-libs Client Library for accessing the latest XML based MusicBrainz web service
MusicBrainz-DiscID dev-perl Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
nanoflann sci-libs C++ header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search wih KD-trees
nauty sci-mathematics Computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs
neatvnc gui-libs Liberally licensed VNC server library with a clean interface
Net-Bonjour dev-perl Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Bonjour)
netcdf sci-libs Scientific library and interface for array oriented data access
netcdf-cxx sci-libs C++ library for netCDF
netcdf-fortran sci-libs Scientific library and interface for array oriented data access
Net-CUPS dev-perl CUPS C API Interface
Net-DNS dev-perl Perl Interface to the Domain Name System
Net-IDN-Encode dev-perl Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
Net-IMAP-Simple dev-perl Perl extension for simple IMAP account handling
Net-LDAPapi dev-perl Perl5 Module Supporting LDAP API

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