Use Linux capabilities library to control privilege
Название | Категория | Описание |
rpm | app-arch | Red Hat Package Management Utils |
smartmontools | sys-apps | Tools to monitor storage systems to provide advanced warning of disk degradation |
squid | net-proxy | Full-featured web proxy cache |
sslh | net-misc | Port multiplexer - accept both HTTPS and SSH connections on the same port |
strongswan | net-vpn | IPsec-based VPN solution, supporting IKEv1/IKEv2 and MOBIKE |
syslog-ng | app-admin | syslog replacement with advanced filtering features |
tor | net-vpn | Anonymizing overlay network for TCP |
util-linux | sys-apps | Various useful Linux utilities |
uwsgi | www-servers | uWSGI server for Python web applications |
vdr-xineliboutput | media-plugins | VDR Plugin: Xinelib PlugIn |
wavemon | net-wireless | Ncurses based monitor for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN cards |
zsh | app-shells | UNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell |
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