symbol lookup error after update of Calculate Linux 17

Added by Adrien Duck over 7 years ago

Hi everybody,

After update of Calculate Linux 17, you can have application which don't run on your system.

When you launch apps in the terminal, you have an error symbol lookup error.

Example with Chromium :

chromium-browser: symbol lookup error: chromium-browser: undefined symbol: _ZN3re23RE27ReplaceEPNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKS0_RKNS_11StringPieceE

Or Clementine :

clementine: symbol lookup error: clementine: undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal13empty_string_B5cxx11E



New design for Calculate 17

Added by Adrien Duck almost 9 years ago

We are happy to announce the completion of a new design for Calculate Linux 17. The last few years, the design changes only in the main versions of the distribution. This time it took almost two years. Therefore, we have made every effort to make a really quality design. You'll see our favorite characters, this time conquering the mountain peaks.
In addition, CLDM MATE upgraded to version 1.16 with the transition to Gtk3 libraries. Migration


Flash Player 24 available for Firefox (NPAPI)

Added by Adrien Duck about 8 years ago

Now, in =www-plugins/adobe-flash-, there are PPAPI and NPAPI support.
Flash PPAPI is the Pepper Flash API plugin (for Chrome and similar browsers) whereas NPAPI is the Netscape Flash API plugin (for Firefox and similar browsers)

Before this 24 version, the latest version of Flash NPAPI was

Many websites requied a recent version of Flash (more recent than the version 11). Then you have to tinker


Meet CLSL : Calculate linux Scratch with LXQt

Added by Adrien Duck over 8 years ago

CLSL stands for Calculate Linux Scratch with LXQt, finally made available by the CL team.
You can download and test it as of now.

In this release, we can find a lot of Qt and light apps. It works with 225Mb RAM. You can test it and report bugs on the Calculate issue tool to improve the future CLDL :)

You can download it on the mirror, in both arch (32 and 64bits) :

New mirror : Fast and furi... French ! (1 comment)

Added by Adrien Duck over 8 years ago

Hello all,

There are more and more Europeans users of Calculate Linux !

But, in France and other Europeans country, the download speed from Russian mirrors (to download packages) is very slow.

So, I decided to setup a mirror on my personnal server, for my own use. But it's self-centered ! So I decided to contact the Calculate Team to add my mirror in the official calculate Linux list !

A developer accepted my proposal, and I am happy to announce that a new mirror is available to Calculate


Also available in: Atom

Thank you!