
Description:rxvt clone with xft and unicode support
License: GPL-3
  • + - stable
  • ~ - unstable
  • M - hardmask
alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86
9.31-r2 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

USE flags

  • 24-bit-color - Enable 24-bit color support. Note that this feature is unofficial, may cause visual glitches due to the fact there is no termcap/terminfo definition for rxvt-unicode-24bit yet so it is necessary to use the one for 256 colours, visibly increases memory usage, and might slow urxvt down dramatically when more than six fonts are in use in a terminal instance.
  • 256-color - Enable 256 color support
  • blink - Enable blinking text
  • fading-colors - Enable colors fading when off focus
  • font-styles - Enable support for bold and italic fonts
  • gdk-pixbuf - Enable transparency support using x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf
  • iso14755 - Enable ISO-14755 support
  • mousewheel - Enable scrolling via mouse wheel or buttons 4 and 5
  • perl - Enable perl script support. You can still disable this at runtime with -pe ""
  • startup-notification - Enable application startup event feedback mechanism
  • unicode3 - Use 21 instead of 16 bits to represent unicode characters
  • wide-glyphs - Enable support for wide glyphs, required for certain symbol/icon fonts to display correctly. Note that this feature is *unofficial* and has been observed to cause stability issues for some users.
  • xft - Build with support for XFT font renderer (x11-libs/libXft)

Security Advisory

Date Severity Title
over 3 years normal rxvt-unicode: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
over 10 years normal rxvt-unicode: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
over 16 years normal Multiple X11 terminals: Local privilege escalation
almost 20 years normal rxvt-unicode: Buffer overflow

Also available in: Atom

Thank you!