
Add support for the xinetd super-server
Name Category Description
bitlbee net-im irc to IM gateway that support multiple IM protocols
check_mk_agent net-analyzer Agent to report data to Check_MK for monitoring
courierpassd net-mail Courierpassd is a utility for changing a user's password from across a network
cups net-print The Common Unix Printing System
distcc sys-devel Distribute compilation of C code across several machines on a network
git dev-vcs Stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency
mit-krb5 app-crypt MIT Kerberos V
nuttcp net-analyzer Network performance measurement tool
pure-ftpd net-ftp Fast, production-quality, standard-conformant FTP server
sane-backends media-gfx Scanner Access Now Easy - Backends
sercd net-dialup RFC2217-compliant serial port redirector
telnet-bsd net-misc Telnet and telnetd ported from OpenBSD with IPv6 support
ziproxy net-proxy A forwarding, non-caching, compressing web proxy server

Thank you!